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What is Bioenergetics & How Can it Improve Your Health?

What is Bioenergetics & How Can it Improve Your Health?

INSIDE: Discover the answers to what is bioenergetics, why is bioenergetics important, how does bioenergetics work, and how you can use it to improve your health.

Bioenergetics is a field that is leading the way in quantum physics and information medicine. In fact, a recent NES Health paper titled, An Introduction to the Human Biofield, stated:

“The ‘science of the biofield’ may be largely unknown in conventional academic circles and to the general public; however, to those with an eye to what’s coming next in biology and medicine, biofield theory is the most exciting and promising path to a complete revamping of medicine, making it more noninvasive, effective, and humane.”

I couldn’t sum it up better myself. And that’s one of the most important things to know when asking the question, “What is bioenergetics?” – that it is the future of medicine.


Because it combines the latest science (quantum mechanics) and energy medicine, allowing us to look at the foundational level of health… and that is how you get to the root cause of health issues.

We all know that at their smallest components, everything is made of energy. After all, we all learned about atoms, molecules, and electrons in school.

So why has the allopathic approach to medicine always started with biochemistry and overlooked the energetic aspects of the body as mere woo-woo?

Taking that approach will almost never solve a health issue (unless you’re dealing with a nutrient deficiency) because we can’t resolve the root cause of an issue from that perspective.

If you prefer to watch videos rather than read, here’s a great introduction to bioenergetics.

<iframe class="full-size-abs" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/yWB7nFhpTOA" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

What is Bioenergetics?

When you break down the word “bioenergetics,” you can see that it means something along the lines of “energy of life.” (“Bio” means “life,” and “energetics” refers to energy.)

In his book, Restore Your Energy With Bioenergetics, Harry Massey, co-founder of the leading bioenergetics company, NES Health, defines it as…

“The study, detection, and correction of energy in living systems. Correct the body’s energy system, and you could, in theory, correct anything.“

It’s a way of looking at what is going on in the body underneath all of the symptoms and physical ailments, underneath all of the emotional trauma and stress, to understand where the breakdown is that is causing it all.

Why is Bioenergetics Important?

Bioenergetics is essential if you want to lead a healthy life because the body is meant to heal itself, but it can only do so if you support it at a fundamental level.

Traditional medicine actually fights against the body’s attempt to heal itself because it focuses on treating the symptoms instead of the root cause.

Symptoms are the body’s way of letting us know that there is a distortion in the body field that needs correcting. Taking pain killers to stop feeling symptoms, for example, doesn’t solve the cause; it only masks it for the time being.

We can’t treat symptoms and get lasting results. Instead, we need to work on a deeper level and support the body’s ability to correct itself.

What is the Body Field?

According to visionary scientist, Peter Fraser, “DNA is not the master control system of the physical body – the body-field is… [and it] communicates with the physical body via quantum field effects.”

That’s pretty astounding information for most people, so let’s dive into this topic a bit more…

Wherever energy is moving (and there is no place where it is not), energy fields are created.

The human body field, otherwise known as the body’s energy field, is the energy network that carries information on energy waves to the cells in the body so that they know what they should be doing.

Want a More Scientific Explanation?

Quantum ElectroDynamic (QED) Field Theory is an aspect of Quantum Mechanics, which is the highest level of understanding we currently have about reality. According to QED Theory, each particle is actually a wave, and the scientific name for those waves is QED fields. The human body field contains all of the numerous QED fields that are related to each particle in the body. It is a quantum operating system that acts as the sole governing agency of the body, coordinating energy and the information that drives it in the body.

A Blueprint for Health

When the energy and information in the body field are optimally flowing, it serves as an intelligent, self-healing, self-correcting blueprint for health and wellness.

If there is a distortion in the body field, however, the correct information isn’t relayed to the cells, they don’t function properly, and illness results.

In this video, Bruce Lipton, PH.D, Cell Biologist, offers an intriguing analogy of how chemistry and energy affects cells...

How Does Bioenergetics Work?

Bioenergetics is based on the physics of the body, the energy that powers the body, and more importantly, the information that directs the energy in the body. It deals with the human body field, which is essentially the body’s control system.

That is where the root issues lie and working on that level gives us the ability to actually resolve what is not functioning properly.

Albert Einstein is quoted as saying, “The field is the sole governing agency of the particle.”

What he means is that the invisible fields of energy surrounding all living things are responsible for shaping the material world. He’s saying that particles wouldn’t even exist if there weren’t energy fields telling the particles where to be and what to do.

Energy fields are what make up the fundamental fabric of reality, and that’s where we need to focus if we want to transform our health.

Essentially, matter is just information structured energy.

“Physics is what determines whether chemistry works correctly or not.”

-Harry Massey, Co-Founder of NES Health

That’s why the new direction in healthcare goes beyond chemistry to the underlying quantum information fields that are responsible for directing the energy in the body, and therefore physiology as well.

3 Parts of the Body

To really understand the answer to “what is bioenergetics?,” we need to recognize that there are three parts of the body:

  • Matter – The physical body
  • Energy – What the physical body is composed of
  • Information – Which is transported throughout the body on the energy fields of the body.

It’s actually energy (through information) that is instructing every cell in your body what to do.

Without that information, life as we know it wouldn’t be possible since the cells in our body would have no instructions to work with. It would be chaos.

When the information is properly flowing in the body, our cells know what to do, our organs and systems function properly, our energy levels are high, and our self-healing abilities are at work.

How Does Bioenergetics Differ From Traditional Chinese Medicine?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has some similarities to bioenergetics in that it deals with the flow of energy in the body. The main difference, however, is that bioenergetics focuses on the information that directs the energy flow.

Information is the key aspect of physics and biology because without it, nothing in our bodies would function. Our cells undergo millions of daily activities to keep our bodies working and it is information that makes that happen.

How to Resolve Health Issues With Bioenergetics

Bioenergetics is extremely powerful since it works on an energetic level that is backed up by physics. To fully grasp its power, we need to understand how health issues occur in the first place.

Here’s what happens in the body leading up to a health issue:

  • Stress, poor diet, environmental toxins, or emotional upsets lead to blockages in the energy fields of the body.
  • Information becomes blocked or disrupted.
  • As a result, the biochemistry starts to break down.
  • Then, we get symptoms that tell us something is wrong.
  • If we ignore those symptoms, it can lead to structural changes in the physical body, which can take longer to heal but is still very possible with bioenergetics.

As your Bioenergetics Health Coach, I’ll work with the latest bioenergetics technology to scan your body field, look at where energy isn’t flowing, and compare it to the ideal informational blueprint of a healthy person. Then, we use proprietary liquid remedies and technology that allows your body field to restore itself back to its original, optimal state.

These solutions get results! In fact, in a large-scale comparative study by the Centre for Biofield Sciences, 96.5% of the 240 participants experienced a positive change (compared to 35% in the placebo group).

How is that possible? Because by supporting the body in this way, the root causes of health issues can simply disappear as the body’s innate healing processes kick in. This is all backed up by plenty of clinical research.

Instead of focusing on eliminating diseases, viruses, and bacteria, bioenergetics allows us to focus on restoring health. And we do it on the fundamental level of physics, not with biochemical approaches like supplements or physical modalities.

Everything about the BioEnergetiX WellNES System is non-invasive, painless, quick, and convenient. And the protocols are laser-focused and customized, delivering exactly what you need when you need it.

Final Thoughts

Now that you understand the answer to the question, “what is bioenergetics?” you’re probably thinking about all the ways it can benefit you and your loved ones. Take the next step and schedule a BioEnergetiX WellNES Scan today





Restore Your Energy With Bioenergetics by Harry Massey – you can download this book for free by claiming your free NES Health account here.

* The information provided here is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Please read my full disclaimer notice here. This content may contain affiliate links. Please read my full disclosure here.

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