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What is NES Health & What Can I Offer You as a NES Health Practitioner?

What is NES Health & What Can I Offer You as a NES Health Practitioner?

INSIDE: What is NES Health? Learn about the world leader of bioenergetics and what sets this company apart from all the rest.

NES Health is the world leader in the field of bioenergetics, which is the study, detection, and flow of energy in living systems. It was founded in 2002 by entrepreneur, Harry Massey, and bioenergetics pioneer, Peter Fraser.

Learn more about NES Health and how they came about in this video...

<iframe class="full-size-abs" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/tIcKEXUbYpU" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Who is Peter Fraser?

The late co-founder of NES Health, Peter Fraser, was the frontier scientist of bioenergetics. Early in his career, he traveled the world learning Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and eventually became Principal at a college of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture and created the curriculum that is still accepted as the standard state system for university accreditation in Australia, as well as the ethical standards of practice in acupuncture.

Over 10 years, he developed the most extensive, proprietary mapping of the human body field in the world. He continued to perform meticulous research about complex theories on quantum physics, from which he developed solutions for over three decades. In fact, it was Peter who coined the term “human body-field.”

Click here to learn more about what bioenergetics is.

What Products & Services Does NES Health Offer & How Can I Access Them?

NES Health’s proprietary BioEnergetiX WellNES System combines technology and health products into an overall therapeutic approach that is based on over 30 years of practical testing and clinical research.

Their comprehensive scanning software uses resonance to scan and compare a person’s energy field with what the ideal body field should be.

Then, it uses a correction protocol to realign and restore the body field back to its ideal blueprint. This includes the use of:

  • Infoceuticals – Proprietary liquid remedies that provide the body field with the information it needs to restore itself to optimal health

  • miHealth – A handheld biofeedback device that combines PEMF, TENS, and SCENAR to release blockages from the body’s energy system

And these solutions get results! 

In fact, in a large-scale comparative study by the Centre for Biofield Sciences, 96.5% of the 240 participants experienced a positive change (compared to 35% in the placebo group).

As your Bioenergetics Health Coach…

  • I’ll scan your body field with a simple voice scan (that you can do from your own home).
  • We’ll review the results and look at where the energy/information isn’t flowing properly in your body.
  • Then we’ll use any combination of Infoceuticals and miHealth energy treatments that you would like to restore your body field back to its optimal function.

How Do NES Scans Differ From Other Scans?

The technologies and products developed by NES Health far exceed other bioenergetics solutions that are currently available. Here are some of what sets their scans apart:

  • NES Health scans don’t use Galvanic Skin Response like other systems, which can alter the scan results by skin moisture and movement during longer scans.
  • They don’t use Meridian Point Testing, which can produce results that are altered by the practitioner.
  • NES Health scans only interact with the body field and don’t have any other interactions that can skew the results.

BioEnergetiX WellNES Scans are able to tell us:

  • How much power the body field has to work with
  • Whether or not information is being transferred properly
  • How well the body field is responding to environmental fields and other factors
  • Whether it is able to recognize and use nutrients properly
  • What thought and emotion patterns are impacting the field, potentially causing chronic health issues

Final Thoughts

I’m proud to be a Certified NES Health Practitioner. There is no other system that is based on so much strong research and offers an approach that is so simple and effective to integrate into a busy lifestyle.

Contact Me to get your BioEnergetiX WellNES Scan Today!

* The information provided here is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Please read my full disclaimer notice here. This content may contain affiliate links. Please read my full disclosure here.

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