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Stop Negative Self-Talk With These Tips

Stop Negative Self-Talk With These Tips

IINSIDE: In order to stop negative self-talk, there are some shifts in perception that need to happen. Let’s dive in so you can be on your way.

We are all aware of the concept of negative self-talk and of its consequences for our holistic health, and yet, let’s be honest, it’s shockingly easy to fall back on it at times. For some of us, it’s simply not in our nature to do the opposite and talk ourselves up.

As beneficial as it is to treat ourselves with kindness, there’s something almost seductive and self-indulgent about being mean to ourselves.

Of course, to stop negative self-talk, it doesn’t come naturally to many of us. And there should be some comfort in knowing that it’s hard – because if it were easy and everyone else could do it, what would that say about you?

These Tips Will Help You Stop Negative Self-Talk

Fortunately, there are ways to neutralize negative perceptions of ourselves – and the examples below can show you the way forward…

Thinking the Worst Leads to Accepting What You Don’t Want

There’s a well-worn observation, perhaps best voiced by the poet W.B. Yeats, that “the best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.”

If you doubt yourself, it’s likely because you feel you might not live up to high standards, but the good news is…

If you were as bad as you think you are, you just wouldn’t care. The core of all negative self-talk is “I’m not good enough” but the result of that belief is that you’ll accept situations that don’t meet the standards you deserve.

For example, you’ll take a job that is beneath you, accept a relationship where your partner is hostile to you, and so on.

But you deserve better, and that’s proven by how unfulfilled those things make you feel. To stop negative self-talk, you need to remember this.

It’s Not Shallow to Want Nicer Things

It’s virtuous to shun materialism, and it is definitely better for us and the world to not get caught up in mindless consumerism. We should, however, make a distinction between “wanting something” and “wanting some things.”

We can want nice things for the real benefit they bring us:

  • A certain candle because it smells refreshing
  • Teeth whitening because it allows us to smile more confidently
  • A phone or PC because it helps us speak to people who make us feel good
  • New yoga clothes can make us feel excited to exercise

That’s the very opposite of wanting trinkets and gadgets because of some arbitrary value given them by the salesperson’s hype. You’re not hypocritical for wanting things – we all want things.

Negative Self-Talk is Like Muscle Memory

When we get into the habit of talking negatively toward ourselves, it can be hard to get out of it because it’s like muscle memory (it just starts to happen without us being aware of it). That’s why becoming more intentional and aware is so important.

Set intentions throughout your day about how you want to feel, what you want to accomplish, and what you want to happen. Then, tune in and bring an awareness to what you are doing and thinking. So many of us are on autopilot, and we don’t actually pay attention.

Final Thoughts

With these changes in perception, you can begin to transform negative self-talk into a way of thinking that is much more supportive of the life you want to live. Positive thinking can become more natural over time.

What’s your favorite way to stop negative self talk? Let me know in the comments.

* The information provided here is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Please read my full disclaimer notice here. This content may contain affiliate links. Please read my full disclosure here.

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