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How to Feel Good When You’re Stuck in the Office: 5 Tips

How to Feel Good When You’re Stuck in the Office: 5 Tips

INSIDE: It’s difficult to know how to feel good at work when you’re stuck in the office, but with these tips, you can stop thinking “I don’t want to work in an office” constantly.

Sometimes, an office job can feel like prison.

Whether it’s a beautiful day outside or if the fluorescent lights are getting to you, it’s pretty typical to think, “I don’t want to work in an office” several times throughout the day.

We think of sitting down in front of a computer all day as normal, but the truth is that our bodies really aren’t designed for that type of existence. Our ancestors were a lot more active, after all!

We should, of course, be grateful to have a job. But, whether you’re passionate about your work or it’s just something to pay the bills, if you want to know how to feel good at work in an office, you’ll need to take the right steps.

When Your Stuck in the Office, Use These Tips to Feel Good

You may not be able to change your work environment, but you can feel a little less stuck in the office when you use the following tips.

Start the Day with Exercise

You’ll have to sit down for the majority of the day when you’re stuck in the office, not to mention you’ll be driving to and from work. Then, when you get home, you’re likely to be too tired to do anything physical, especially during the colder months of the year.

So it’s a good idea to get exercise in when you can, and for many people who work in an office, that means early mornings.

Could you go for a morning run or do a HIIT routine at home before you take your shower? Yoga or pilates is my favorite type of exercise in the morning because my body just isn’t ready for anything too active. What would work for you?

Not only will this give you your daily dose of exercise, but it’ll also wake up your body and mind and get you ready for a productive day.

Get Out of the Office

Depending on the atmosphere at your work, being stuck in an office all day is a pretty crappy way to spend your time. So, making a conscious effort to get out of the office throughout the day is critical.

This really does take effort; if you don’t consciously plan it, you’re likely to find that you just keep sitting at your desk all day long.

It’s recommended to go for a short walk every couple of hours. It’ll give your brain the break it needs and get your blood flowing as well.

Protect Your Eyes

When it comes to feeling good at the office, you can’t forget about your eyes. Many office workers complain of eye strain because they stare at a computer all day.

You can combat this by following the 20/20/20 rule. That involves staring at a point twenty feet away for twenty seconds, every twenty minutes. 

Alternatively, you can purchase some blue light glasses for about $15. They cut down the blue light coming from your devices, which reduces eye strain and helps your body regulate sleep-wake patterns so that you can sleep better at night as well.

Protect Your Posture

We aren’t supposed to sit in an office all day, and we certainly aren’t meant to be hunched over for hours at a time. So pay particular attention to your posture.

There are plenty of ways to make sure you are sitting and standing correctly, including using the Apple Watch posture-correcting service from ObVus. You’ll find that you feel a lot more comfortable once you’ve taken care of this important aspect of your body.

Eat for Feeling Good

We literally are what we eat, so we have to eat foods that will make us feel good if we want to feel good. And while we may think junk food will help us get through a day of being stuck in the office, it’s only going to make us feel worse.

Look at the quality of the treats that you have in the drawers of your desk. If they contain too much sugar or are otherwise unhealthy, then it’s time to replace them with some nutritious substitutes.

Final Thoughts About How to Feel Good When You’re Stuck in the Office

When you’re stuck in the office and you want to know how to feel good at work, these tips will certainly help. If you have any additional tips that have helped you out, please post them in the comments below!

* The information provided here is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Please read my full disclaimer notice here. This content may contain affiliate links. Please read my full disclosure here.

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