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Mind-Body-Spirit Simplified Blog

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10 Ways to Stay Fit & Healthy in the New Normal

10 Ways to Stay Fit & Healthy in the New Normal

INSIDE: Life has certainly gotten wacky over the past couple years, making it even harder to stay fit and healthy. We can all use some reminders and some tips to help us through. Here are 10 to get you started.

The new ways of working brought about by the ongoing health crisis have made it more important for everyone to stay healthy. Being physically fit can sufficiently improve our overall wellbeing. It can also affect our mood and perspective on life for the better. Being healthy can radiate positivity from inside out.

10 Tips for Staying Fit & Healthy in Trying Times

To help you achieve fitness and wellness goals during these trying times, here are 10 effective tips to consider…

Take Small Steps

While it’s good to have a strong drive to be healthy, don’t rush everything on day one. Forcing yourself to do hour-long workouts or meditations isn’t sustainable. Instead, take your first few steps towards a better lifestyle, and make them small.

Slowly form your routine until it becomes a habit. You can increase your few minutes of activity once you get the hang of it.

Sleep Well

Being busier is the new norm for everyone. It is no question that you need to regain your strength for the next day at work, so try to sleep for around 7 to 9 hours. Sleep is crucial to being able to function properly and being productive. Establish a good sleeping routine so you can get your energy back as your hormones get regulated as well.

Follow a Healthy Diet

This is an old but proven method of staying fit and healthy. Don’t skip meals or overeat. You already know this, but it’s time to tune in and listen to your body.

Maintaining a healthy diet can help in mending almost all kinds of physical concerns. Avoid junk food, caffeine, and sugary foods and drinks. Think of the nutrients your body needs and choose those foods.

Exercise Regularly

Make time for exercise to better manage your stress and body weight. You can invite your friends or family members who are into fitness to join you at the gym or for a morning walk. They can be your accountability partners. But, don't forget to schedule it in; otherwise, it will fall onto the back burner.

If you can’t go to the gym, find activities that can be done at home or outdoors. You can also explore outdoor gyms if available. Outdoor gyms are becoming increasingly popular – you can use them to stay physically active without being stuck indoors. Look for one near your home and join in the fun!

Quit Bad Habits

If you truly intend to live long, do away from your unhealthy addictions, which might include smoking, overeating, drugs, and the like. Only you have control of your mind, and you can definitely turn the tables around.

The immediate gratification your bad habits offer won’t ever provide real relief from the present situation. They also worsen skin concerns and other chronic conditions and symptoms. Stop harming your immune system. Focus on other ways to cope and stay fit.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking lots of water works well in detoxifying the body and balancing our body temperature. Try to drink at least half your weight in ounces of water daily to restore inner tissues while removing toxins. Doing so can do many wonders for your overall health as water delivers oxygen and makes nutrients accessible throughout the body.


One of the techniques to improve focus and relaxation is yoga, which can be considered a form of meditation. It’s a good mental exercise that can heal both inner and outer body health, impacting hormones and mindset.

Practicing meditation can further your defenses against stress and depression while improving body immunity. You can also try doing other physical and meditative activities, such as dancing and playing an instrument that can calm your mind.

Be Grateful

What goes on within us will be radiated physically one way or another. By practicing thinking from a place of gratitude, you can become happier, while making a positive impact on those around you.

Moreover, a gratitude attitude reduces stress, improves work performance, and increases life satisfaction. Everyone is going through something different – it doesn’t hurt to be kind by being grateful, which can build healthy relationships.

Have an Outlet

Don’t bottle up any emotions that weigh you down as it significantly affects your level of stress and physical wellbeing. Express yourself in a way you’re most comfortable with, which could be talking it out with a friend, writing, or absorbing yourself in some sort of art.

Ask for Help

It is often difficult to make healthy changes on our own and it’s common to yo-yo back and forth. That’s why hiring a personal trainer, life coach, nutritionist, energy healer or spiritual coach can help! Not only will you gain some important advice, you’ll have someone to be accountable to as well.

Final Thoughts

These are only some of the ways to pursue a healthy and fit lifestyle. The key to maintaining it is consistency and patience to make changes one at a time. Continue making good choices not only for yourself but for those around you. In these challenging times, it’s okay to live life moderately.

Written by: Sophia Young

* The information provided here is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Please read my full disclaimer notice here. This content may contain affiliate links. Please read my full disclosure here.

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