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How to Practice Non-Judgment in Times of Such Polarity?

How to Practice Non-Judgment in Times of Such Polarity?

INSIDE: Polarity is now more obvious than ever, which makes the practice of non-judgment that much more valuable. Here’s a channeled message about how we can set aside our judgments and why it is critical to do so in order to bring in the new 5D world.

We are living in a dualistic world, which means there are always two sides of everything. It’s what creates the illusion that we are separate from each other and from source, when that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

If the past couple years have taught us anything, it’s that polarity exists. Boy does it ever! And certainly now more than ever. It seems as though some people are living in one reality and others are living in a completely different one, and it’s so hard for each side to see the other’s point of view.

We have the…

  • Dems and reps
  • V-camp and the non v-camp
  • Trumpers and the non-trumpers
  • “Conspiracy theorists” and those who think those people are crazy
  • Followers and the free-thinkers
  • Maskers and the non-maskers
  • And on and on and on

But when we dig into the deeper meaning behind polarity, we begin to understand that there is so much more to life than all of this petty groveling. We begin to see the value in looking deeper and the growth that can come out of it, both personally and collectively.

Because there is always a lesson within those opposites.

The Law of Polarity is one of the universal laws, and it states that opposites are merely different manifestations of the same thing. When we view life through that lens, we begin to tap into the deeper meaning of life.

What is Non-Judgment & Why is it Important Now More Than Ever?

Non-judgment is the practice of letting everyone be. It’s allowing others to have their own opinions and letting that be totally okay. It’s seeing someone make a mistake or do something you don’t agree with and letting it be fine. It’s the essence of the saying, “You do you and I’ll do me.”

Non-judgment is also one of the most difficult things to practice as humans. It’s like we are hard-wired to judge each other, criticize others when their opinion doesn’t match ours, and look at them like they have 10 heads when they do something or express something that is in any way out of the norm.

We all do it, and it takes tremendous self control and discipline to be non-judgmental. But why should we bother?

Because that is where the lesson is. That is where the beauty of life is. That is where you’ll begin to experience the bigger picture of life.

We are all here to experience this beautiful Earth. We are here to learn lessons and evolve. We aren’t here to sit on a high and mighty chair and look down on others. Yet, that is what society teaches us to do.

But, by practicing non-judgment, we can begin to scratch the surface of what is real in this life.

How to Practice Non-Judgment in Times of Great Polarity

Not only is it difficult to practice non-judgment; it’s extremely difficult to practice it now. There are so many triggering things happening that are sparking big opinions. And let’s be honest, it’s extremely difficult for each “camp” to look at the other and not think they are bat-shit crazy.

Yet non-judgment is what the world needs right now.

Even as I write this, I struggle with my own non-judgments. That is why I needed to channel the following message for you (and me)…

Judgment is nothing but fear. A misunderstanding of a point of view. A fear of something different, something new and foreign to your own perspective on how things should be. But the intricacies of life are delicate. They are unique, and they are often challenging to understand.

You’ve been trained throughout your entire lives (and your past lives) to conform, to follow the crowd, to do what you’re told. Therefore, accepting other opinions is a foreign concept.

Many of you are awakening to the corruption and misguidance that has been preached for thousands of years. Yet, you have no compassion for those who don’t see it. You are being judgmental when you yourself didn’t see it until now as well.

If the term “awakened” makes you cringe and think of all the crazies who are so gullible to believe such crazy conspiracies, you are being judgmental as well.

So, here we are, and what do we do?

Understand the Lesson in Polarity

Two opposites are nothing more than the same thing, manifested in two different forms. See everything in life as a pole with two sides. If you are having an argument with someone, their point of view is at one end and yours is at the other. And there are many camps of thinking in between, with each having its own opposite.

You can also think of it like a number line with positive and negative numbers. Negative five and five are opposites on a number line. And it just is. Neither number is right or wrong.

Find Neutrality

The place to get to is neutrality. Zero point.

And the way to zero point is through the heart. Practice compassion. See the good in the other person. Feel it in your heart, and let that feeling turn into a feeling of love.

We are each just different manifestations of source. Not only does that mean we are all the same in essence, it also means we are supposed to be different.

Do you know why you are here? You are here because Divine consciousness wanted to have an experience. When you are all powerful, all knowing, infinite, timeless, and everywhere all at once, how do you possibly have any kind of interesting experience?

You create challenges for yourself to interact with.

You are each a different expression of the Divine. And you are meant to be that way. If you were all the same, what kind of boring experience would that be?

So view each person from that light, and let them have their own experience in this world, one that is different from yours. One that elicits conflict and is meant to do so.

The other side of that (the other side of the pole) is that in accepting everyone as different and not trying to make them like you, you create that neutral point. You create unity consciousness.

So, in accepting our differences, we come together.

Do the Opposite

As we create that zero point, we raise our vibration. We also raise the vibration of our relationships and our interactions.

Work on neutralizing your interactions by going to the opposite side of the pole. If someone criticizes you, give them a compliment. If someone is angry or anxious, bring your body to a calm, collected place. Instead of matching their vibration, get yourself to the other side.

Doing so, brings the interaction back to neutral.

Work on your reactions. If someone says something that sparks judgment in you, train yourself to take a deep breath, tune into your heart center, and find the opposite side of the pole.

The Importance of Non-Judgment on a Deeper Level

In reading back over that channeled message, I can see a deeper level to all of this. And that is how much this way of thinking is needed right now. When we practice non-judgment in spite of polarity, we start to call in 5D consciousness.

And isn’t that what this Great Awakening is all about? It only makes sense that this level of polarity would be here now as a catalyst for unity consciousness.

It is so important that we make these efforts so that we can bring forward the new world that we so desperately need and want.

* The information provided here is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Please read my full disclaimer notice here. This content may contain affiliate links. Please read my full disclosure here.

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