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Mind-Body-Spirit Simplified Blog

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How to Begin Your Personal Growth Journey

How to Begin Your Personal Growth Journey

INSIDE: Do you know you want to make some personal changes but you don't know where to begin? Here are some tips for knowing how to start your personal growth journey.

The initial step in the quest to achieve personal growth is to define what that means for you individually. No two people are alike, and your own personal growth program should be as unique as you are.

A good way to get started is to ask yourself what you want to change about your life:

  • Do you want a less stressful existence?
  • Would you like to enjoy better health?
  • Are you seeking a better income and the freedom that comes with it?

How to Begin Your Personal Growth Journey

Whatever your long-term goals, there’s a way to get there. Here are some tips to help you on your personal growth journey...

Start With Self-Care

Most people agree that having and maintaining good health is a prerequisite to almost everything else. That includes having a healthy mind as well as a healthy body since the two are intimately connected.

We should always be careful of what we feed our minds. That might mean refusing to watch the news and taking time to engage in meditation.

Meditation can take many forms, so there is a method that will suit each individual. The consequences of stress are very real, especially in these times we are living in, so it's important to find the type of meditation that can help you. 

Good health also involves proper nutrition and adequate exercise. An effective fitness program does not require an expensive gym membership. Even a brisk walk outdoors for 30-40 minutes three times a week can do wonders.

Regarding diet, I suggest gradually moving to a traditional whole food diet. Imagine you are living on a farm 100 years ago, and that's how we should be eating.

Organize Your Personal Surroundings

Clutter and disorder are two major causes of stress. You may be overwhelmed by the chaos in the world today, and it feels like we can't do anything about it. We can, however, control our immediate environment.

You can start by getting rid of anything you haven't used or gazed upon in a year or more. Donate useful things to a thrift shop, sell items on Facebook Marketplace, toss out broken items, and see if someone you know would like things that have more value. 

For the things you choose to keep, spend some time organizing them so that they are readily available when you need them. 

Look for a Better Job

We spend most of our time at work, and for many people, that is unfortunate because they don't like their jobs. If you're feeling unappreciated or the work you are doing doesn't feel meaningful, it might be time to make a change.

One of the best ways to begin your personal growth journey is to pursue new opportunities. This can mean many things, but one of the most common is looking for a new job.

When you're searching for a new position, it's important to take the time to update your resume. Highlighting your recent successes and focusing on key skills will help you craft a strong resume that accurately reflects your abilities. You can save time and still create a professional, eye-catching resume by using a free resume maker.

Become an Entrepreneur

If you aren't happy in your present career, your best bet might be to start a business of your own. By doing so, you can actually work your personal growth journey into your business plan and pursue something that aligns with your values.

It can be a lot of fun to brainstorm what your dream business would look like.

  • How much time would you work each day?
  • What personal growth practices would you incorporate into your days?
  • Who could benefit from your work?

Structuring your business properly from the get-go is important. For example, you can obtain a number of advantages by setting up a Limited Liability Company. When you use this business structure, more expenses are tax-deductible, and an LLC protects your personal assets should the business be sued for any reason. Every state has different regulations around LLC formation, so be sure to look up how to start an LLC in your state.

Maintain Focus

While living in the 21st century offers advantages and conveniences our parents and grandparents could not have imagined, it also contains more distractions than ever before in history. Staying focused on your personal growth journey can be a challenge, to say the least.

Try putting these tips into place:

  • Stop tuning into the news.
  • Disengage from social media on a consistent basis.
  • Check your emails and texts at certain times of the day.
  • Use spam filters to reduce what is unnecessary.
  • Turn your phone off during self-care practices like meditation and journaling.

Final Thoughts

The key to any successful personal growth journey means focusing on short- and long-term goals — be it starting a business or searching for a new job — and keeping your eyes on the prize. The more detailed your plan is, the less difficult it will be to implement. So follow these tips and get ready to live your best life!

* The information provided here is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Please read my full disclaimer notice here. This content may contain affiliate links. Please read my full disclosure here.

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