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How to Manifest With the Moon & Watch Your Dreams Come True

How to Manifest With the Moon & Watch Your Dreams Come True

INSIDE: If we learn how to synchronize with the Moon’s cycles, we can speed up the process of manifesting what we desire. Moon phases and manifestation go hand-in-hand. Are you ready to learn how to manifest with the Moon and achieve your wildest dreams?

Of all the celestial bodies that roam the solar system, the Moon is undoubtedly the one that affects us most directly.

Our ancestors were in tune with their intuition. They knew about the moon phases and how to align their rituals to manifest their hearts’ desires.

High and low tides are a product of the Moon. Considering that the human body is composed of 60-70% water, it’s no surprise that the moon’s cycles influence our emotions, moods, and energy levels.

When we learn how to sync with these shifting rhythms, we can effortlessly cultivate a flowing stream of abundance in our lives.

The New Moon and the Full Moon offer excellent opportunities to wipe the slate clean and renew our current purpose and direction in life. Manifesting with the Moon brings a chance to get back to basics, cut through the noise, and align to the higher self.

Here’s a simple guide to each of the Moon phases and what to expect from them as you embark on your manifestation journey. It’s so much fun!

How to Discover Your Intentions

Before knowing how to manifest with the moon, you first need to know your true intentions.

It seems like a silly question, but we constantly surround ourselves with noise, bustle, and other distractions that take us away from our deepest longings.

Most of us stopped listening to our intuition long ago, and as a result, we either believe we want things we don’t really need or we bury our passions and aspirations until we forget about them.

But finding them is as easy as getting back on your bike after you’ve been off of it for years. Here are some simple ways you can get back in tune with your inner self…


You’ve probably heard this a lot, and believe me, I know that our hectic lifestyles are not set up to sit quietly with our thoughts for long hours.

But meditation, at its core, is just spending time alone with yourself. Even if you just close your eyes and repeat a positive affirmation for a couple minutes a day, that’s meditating.

Remaining in a state of constant stress, which is very representative of our day-to-day demands, blocks our connection with our inner spirit. According to a Harvard University study, meditation can actually change your brain structure, rewiring the cells to match your emotional intelligence again.

Honestly, there are so many amazing benefits to meditation that it’s a wonder we aren’t taught to meditate in school. It should be a basic life skill as far as I’m concerned.

Manifestation and meditation go hand-in-hand. And learning to manifest with the moon is more difficult if you aren’t taking the time to turn within.

Spending a few minutes alone with yourself, without looking at your cell phone, with no one to interrupt you, will do wonders to uncover your true intentions.

And if you’re not used to indulging in a short break, try taking a few minutes before you go to sleep to empty your mind of those thoughts racing through your mind. You’ll fall asleep faster while getting to know the real you (your inner spirit).

Light a Candle

Fire is intimately linked to intuition. If you feel too lost when setting your intentions or too cut off from your inner self, try lighting a candle when meditating to rekindle the flame of your passion.

Detox Your Body

Our body is the vessel that holds our incarnated soul. If we are not strong enough, our intentions won’t find a place to blossom, and we will linger in a low vibe, missing valuable opportunities to manifest the yearnings of our higher self.

Start by cutting down on the amount of junk food and alcohol you consume during the week. Prioritize whole foods, such as fruits and vegetables, and be sure to drink at least 80 ounces of water per day.

Also, maintain a regular sleep schedule to restore your body’s natural defenses and improve your hormonal activity. These simple habits will lead you to reconnect with your inner spirit, bringing back to life those intentions you were struggling to discover.

Moon Phases and Manifestation

Now, you’re ready to delve into this sacred cycle and manifest with the moon.

Once you start implementing what you have learned in this article, you will realize how your mood and energy change along with the Moon’s shifts and that achieving results has less to do with working harder and more to do with tapping into the natural cycles of this magical satellite.

Below, you will find a complete breakdown of the moon phases and how to use them to guide your manifestation practices.

New Moon

When you’re learning to manifest with the moon, this is the phase that starts it all. The cycle starts with the New Moon, which is directly between the Sun and the Earth, inaugurating the darkest night of the month.

This is your time to ignite your inspiration and set your new intentions for what you want for the coming month.

Picture a firm and fertile soil in front of you, ready for you to sow the seeds of your purpose. Setting your intentions for the month at the time of the New Moon is like watering those seeds in anticipation of an optimal harvest.

It is a time to spend time with yourself, contact your emotions, honor your desires, and take care of your spiritual well-being.

Waxing Crescent

Next comes the Waxing Crescent. This moon appears to be growing during this phase, symbolizing the beating life of the seeds you just planted. Now, you are in the first stage to manifest with the moon.

This is when you want to water and nurture those intentions, watching for signs of upcoming opportunities and working out the course of action you want to follow to make your intentions come true.

First Quarter

Then comes the First Quarter, a time when you may encounter some setbacks along the way that can raise doubts about the direction you are heading.

Manifesting with the Moon is not a straight path, and the human soul works in beautiful cycles, just like everything else in nature.

During this phase, you’ll want to check in with yourself to see if you’re still in tune with the intentions you sowed during the New Moon, and if not, you can make the necessary adjustments to continue with the process.

Waxing Gibbous

The Waxing Gibbous is a stage that will test your patience. During these days, it may feel like things are not moving forward and as though your intentions are far from manifesting. The world may not seem to be working in your favor, and you may feel like you’re losing steam as you try to make it happen.

Many people give up hope during this time, but it is important to hang in there and not lose heart. The rewards are waiting just around the corner. Keep your eyes on the prize.

Full Moon

The Full Moon will revitalize your spirit and inspire you to release everything that no longer serves your ultimate purpose, accelerating the process towards fulfilling your intentions.

This phase is critical in order to manifest with the moon. You must let go of those toxic habits that are blocking the flow of positive energy in your life before reaping the rewards of your efforts.

Get rid of all the attitudes that may be standing between you and your success, and be grateful for the many blessings and opportunities available to you today.

Waning Gibbous

And here comes the long-awaited moment when you can relax and savor the fruits of your harvest. This Waning Gibbous brings good news, and you will feel like sharing your successes with your loved ones and toasting to life.

During this time, you can take a break and stop exerting yourself. You deserve it!

Last Quarter

This phase can be compared to a tree that begins to shed its leaves and prepares to change seasons. The Last Quarter prompts us to selflessly give to others and release the experiences of this cycle that are coming to an end.

Waning Crescent

The Waning Crescent comes next, which is a time to recap on this ending cycle and think about the intentions you want to sow during the next Moon cycle. This is not a suitable time to embark on new projects or to take on heavy responsibilities. It is a period to contemplate, recharge your batteries, and reflect on what you have experienced.

Final Thoughts About How to Manifest With the Moon

Manifesting with the moon isn’t an esoteric practice reserved for witches to perform during macabre rituals.

As you can appreciate, this practice invites us to reconnect with nature’s rhythms, which, let’s not forget, we also share as human beings.

There are times when we are more inspired, others when self-doubt crawls through our minds, and times when we need a break. When we learn to manifest with the moon, we honor all of these phases in ourselves; therefore, learning to manifest becomes a breeze.

Re-engaging with the sacred knowledge of the lunar cycles is not only an excellent tool we can use to manifest with the moon. It is also the gateway to a more soulful existence and a life that is more in tune with our true purpose.

* The information provided here is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Please read my full disclaimer notice here. This content may contain affiliate links. Please read my full disclosure here.

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