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11 Health Benefits of Linen: Why It’s the Highest Frequency Fabric

11 Health Benefits of Linen: Why It’s the Highest Frequency Fabric

INSIDE: Discover the extraordinary benefits of linen and why it's at the forefront of high vibration fabrics. Elevate your well-being with linen's natural wonders.

Throughout history, across diverse cultures, people have donned linen clothing, and this practice, especially among spiritual leaders and gurus, sparks some curious questions… 

Was linen chosen solely out of necessity, or did these individuals possess knowledge about the health benefits of linen that we are only now beginning to understand?

The Bible and Torah extol the virtues of linen as a sacred fabric.


The answers to these inquiries may seem esoteric, but there are plenty of scientific merits to the benefits of linen.

The reverence for linen finds its roots in the remarkable light frequency it emits, a quality unmatched by any other fabric. Linen is derived from the stalk of the flax plant, which is historically recognized for its healing properties—so much so that the Latin term for flax, "linum," translates to "being most useful."

In the early 1900s, hospitals used linen sheets because of their exceptional ability to expedite the healing process, alleviating pain, inflammation, and wounds in the process. Patients would often experience overnight recoveries while cocooned within the nurturing embrace of pure linen.

Today, our textiles primarily consist of synthetic, plastic-based materials, which, regrettably, lack the healing frequencies that linen offers, thus prolonging illnesses.

Let’s dig in and learn more about this high vibration fabric and discover how integrating it into our lives can enhance our well-being.

Decoding Fabric Frequency Charts

To comprehend the benefits of linen, we can look to fabric frequency charts. These measurements are expressed in angstroms, representing units of vital light energy:

  • Linen, Wool, Cashmere: 5000
  • Hemp: Measurements unavailable, but it's renowned for its high vibrational properties, though it is significantly lower than linen fabric.
  • Organic Unbleached Cotton: 100
  • Bleached or Colored Cotton: 40
  • Leather: 30
  • Silk & Bamboo: 15
  • All Plastics (Polyester, Acrylic, Spandex, Lycra, Viscose, Polyurethane, Rayon, Nylon): 0

How Do These Fabric Frequencies Relate to Human Frequency?

To understand how the frequency of fabrics affects us, we have to first comprehend the concept of human frequency. To do that, let’s learn from a man who has studied it.

Nobel laureate, Dr. Otto Warburg, observed that the frequency readings of healthy adults typically range between 70 and 90. He also found that individuals with frequencies below 50 often suffer from chronic diseases, while those with life-threatening ailments like cancer exhibit readings below 15.

Now that we know that, we can better understand how the frequency of different fabrics can impact our own vibration.

And as you can see, if we are wearing primarily plastic fabrics, we are blanketing ourselves in frequencies below people who have cancer.

Measuring Fabric Frequencies

Dr. Heidi Crawford-Yellen's 2003 study on fabric frequencies gives us many insights into fabric frequencies. 

She utilized the Ag-Environ machine to shed light on the high vibration qualities of certain fabrics. This device was originally designed to analyze the frequencies of agricultural commodities to optimize harvest timings.

However, its inventor, Bob Graham, adapted it for identifying the frequencies of illnesses to aid in recovery.

Tachyon Energy & Alternate Sources of Energy for the Body

Physician and researcher, Dr. Philip Callahan studied the existence of Tachyon Energy through experiments with flax cloth, demonstrating that linen acts as an antenna for this energy, facilitating rapid healing. Tachyon energy, known for surpassing the speed of light, offers an alternate energy source for the human body.

Dr. Gabriel Cousens posits that various subtle energy fields, including those within the human body, can be invigorated by sources other than food and water. Some of those sources include sunlight, oxygen, electromagnetic energy, cosmic energy channeled through the chakras, direct cosmic energy, raw foods, and Tachyon Energy.

Linen is believed to be one such life-sustaining source, which might explain how Moses, Jesus, and Elijah were able to survive for weeks without food or water.

Unveiling the Highest Frequency Fabrics

Are you wondering how certain fabrics impact your well-being and which materials to embrace or avoid?

Let’s learn more about the highest frequency fabrics, as well as an age-old warning that comes with them.

What is the Highest Frequency Fabric?

Certain fabrics consistently exhibit the highest vibrational frequencies, imparting profound healing potential. Linen, alongside wool and cashmere, reign supreme in this regard. And that’s where most of the benefits of linen come from.

Nevertheless, an important caveat emerges: wool and linen should never be worn together, as stated in the Bible and the Torah, and later validated through scientific studies. 

Combining these natural fibers, though they are the highest vibrational frequency fabrics, produces opposing polarities that not only negate their benefits, but also can cause physical weakness and discomfort, similar to draining a battery.

Medium Frequency Fabrics

Some natural fabrics neither heal nor harm and are considered neutral. Hemp, organic unbleached cotton, and leather fall into this category, since their frequencies are close to the frequency of the human body.

Lowest Frequency Fabrics

Fabrics with a "dead frequency" create a counterproductive environment, lowering a person’s vibration and rendering them vulnerable to diseases, inflammation, and melancholy. Rayon, bamboo, silk, polyester, nylon, viscose, acrylic, bleached or dyed non-organic cotton, and static-resistant fabrics fall into this category.

Fabric Toxicity: A Multifaceted Concern

When we look at the lowest frequency fabrics in comparison to the high vibration fabrics, you might be wondering what causes the difference. 

Fabrics can become toxic for three primary reasons:

  • Toxic Chemicals Are Used During Growth - One of the benefits of linen is that it thrives with minimal sunlight and water, requiring little to no pesticides. In contrast, cotton requires a substantial amount of pesticides, often involving toxic organophosphates, which are chemicals that were initially developed as nerve poisons during World War II.
  • Microfiber Pollution - Contemporary clothing mostly utilizes plastic and petroleum-based fibers, which are produced with heat-intensive processes that release harmful toxins into the environment during production and washing. This microfiber pollution is now recognized as a primary source of ocean debris, endangering marine life (and us when we eat seafood).
  • Energetic Toxicity - Beyond the material composition, the energetic qualities of fabrics play a critical role in their impact on our health. Synthetic materials with frequencies equal to or below a dying person's frequency hinder the flow of healing light energy through the body, potentially weakening us and making us susceptible to illness and negative forces. Conversely, linen's high-frequency light energy raises the frequency of the body, promoting healing and vitality.

The Miraculous Benefits of Linen

Now that we’ve established that linen is renowned for its high vibrational frequency, it’s time to discover the remarkable benefits of linen…

Linen Has Powerful Healing Properties

Scientific studies, including the work of Dr. Heidi Crawford-Yellen and Rabbi Ben-Hayil Yellen, have shown that linen significantly enhances the body's energy field. Hospitals once used pure linen sheets for their capacity to promote rapid healing, often enabling patients to recover without pharmaceutical intervention. This is why we call sheets “linens” in general. 

Linen bandages also expedited wound healing, and patients on linen sheets exhibited reduced occurrences of bed sores.

It is Radiation- and Chemical-Resistant

Linen acts as an excellent filter, guarding against chemical exposure and dust. It reduces solar gamma radiation, offering natural sun protection without toxic chemicals. Additionally, flax fibers sourced from contaminated soil appear resistant to harmful radiation.

Linen is Hypoallergenic

Linen is hypoallergenic, making it ideal for individuals with sensitive skin. It has been found effective in managing conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and rashes.

It is Hygroscopic

One of the most beloved benefits of linen is its ability to swiftly absorb and release moisture—up to 20% of its dry weight—ensuring a cooling sensation when in contact with the skin. This feature also wicks moisture away, maintaining healthy skin by preserving moisture and promoting airflow.

It Has Antibacterial Qualities

Linen is resistant to bacteria and fungus, making it suitable for use in things like masks. Linen underwear and socks help eliminate odors and infections while providing breathability and uplifting emotions.

Linen is Antistatic

Linen is a natural fabric that doesn't accumulate static electricity, thereby eliminating the need for chemical treatments or toxic dryer sheets. This property safeguards against the attraction of radioactive energy from the environment, such as radon, a toxic and radioactive gas. Linen prevents electrostatic charge buildup, which is linked to conditions like restless leg syndrome.

Did you know that a main cause of restless leg syndrome is the buildup of electrostatic charge on the body? Often, babies become fussy because when they are wrapped in a blanket and they kick their legs, they gather up a static charge. Baby blankets used to be made of linen because it eliminates that static build up.

Linen Optimizes the Nervous System

High-vibration fabrics, like linen, have a calming effect and have been shown to reduce pain.

It Helps Us Sleep

Research reveals that sleeping on linen sheets leads to quicker and deeper sleep, with individuals waking up feeling rejuvenated. Linen's highest vibrational frequency stimulates blood flow, promotes relaxation, and activates the body's innate healing abilities.

Linen is Soft & Strong at the Same Time

Another benefit of linen fabric is that it grows softer with each use and wash. Its inherent durability can extend its lifespan up to two decades or more. This resilience, attributed to the silica content in flax fibers, sets linen apart from synthetic fabrics that tend to pill and degrade over time.

It is Environmentally Friendly

Linen's environmentally friendly attributes come from the fact that it requires minimal water and pesticide requirements during growth. It lacks the chemical processes of synthetic fabric production and does not contribute to microfiber pollution. Additionally, linen is a renewable resource, fully biodegradable, and requires no irrigation.

It is Easy to Clean

Linen is easy to clean, but it requires gentle treatment, with low-temperature washing and drying. If cared for properly, linen fabric becomes softer and more comfortable over time.

How to Recognize Pure Linen

To ensure the authenticity of linen products, look for signs, such as:

  • Natural wrinkles
  • Softening with each wash
  • The presence of natural slubs (bumps and imperfections)
  • Rapid water absorption
  • A feeling of coolness to touch

Linen Products I Love

Magic Linen - This is the best company I have found so far because they have such a nice selection of everything you could want in linen. From clothes to bedding to towels and table cloths, they have it all.

Amazon Sheets - Be careful when doing a general search on Amazon for linen because you can get burned. But before I found Magic Linen, I did purchase these linen sheets from Amazon for our bed, and absolutely love them. I’ll be replacing all of our boys’ sheets with them over time.

I'll be adding more to this list as I try new companies and determine if they are good ones or not.

Final Thoughts

If you’re looking to elevate your vibrational frequency and overall well-being (and who isn’t?), embrace high vibration fabrics like linen in your daily life. The benefits of linen embody the natural properties that can elevate your energy and encourage positive vibrations. Invest in linen sheets and high vibrational clothing made from linen to experience the transformative effects on your physical and spiritual well-being.

* The information provided here is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Please read my full disclaimer notice here. This content may contain affiliate links. Please read my full disclosure here.

Goddess G
Posted on  05/14/2024 06:50 AM Wonderful information! Thanks!💕
duke stone
Posted on  06/15/2024 02:58 AM pure linen clothing is impossible to find, most are cotton/linen. i see here that linin/wool is NOT recommended. what about cotton/linen?
Posted on  07/23/2024 05:00 PM Do you know if drying linen in a dryer will affect it's vibrational energy? Thank you.
Posted on  07/24/2024 06:35 AM Duke, yes a cotton/linen blend is quite nice, not as high as pure linen but second best for sure.
Posted on  07/24/2024 06:36 AM Kristina, I dry my linen on Delicate.
Posted on  08/31/2024 12:26 PM What a great article! Thank you for this information. Sharing with my family.
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