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Benefits of Slowing Down & Reducing Stress for Productivity

Benefits of Slowing Down & Reducing Stress for Productivity

INSIDE: If you are struggling to enjoy the productivity levels you desire, it might be time to learn about the benefits of slowing down. You might be surprised how powerful it is!

Productivity can be quite a big deal, and something that many people go to great lengths to try and develop and enhance in their own lives.

In order to be more productive in a variety of different situations and contexts, people utilize all sorts of different tools and techniques.

When engaged in hunting and outdoor activities, for example, EcoGear FX Equipment may help to give you the edge. And if you’re trying to manage your tasks and projects in a business context, then using a task management methodology, such as David Allen’s “Getting Things Done” system, may make you much more efficient.

In many cases, though, people make some key mistakes when striving to improve their productivity. For example, in attempting to be more productive, they often end up burning themselves out and generating a significant amount of extra stress for themselves.

Benefits of Slowing Down for Productivity

As counterintuitive as it may seem, here are some ways that slowing down and reducing stress can improve your productivity...

It Helps Us Focus

Stress massively impairs our ability to focus – and, as the writer Johann Hari investigates in his new book, “Stolen Focus,” there is some evidence that a lot of the underlying cause behind the modern explosion in the prevalence of ADHD diagnoses, is actually a result of concentration issues caused by chronic stress.

When you stay calm and relaxed, you will be much more able to focus on a task and engage with it deeply and for a prolonged period of time.

As many notable writers and commentators, such as Cal Newport, have pointed out, it’s this kind of depth of focus that tends to lead to the best work and the highest degree of productivity.

It Improves Your Sleep & Supports Good Energy Levels

If you are stressed, agitated, and are rushing around most of the day, it’s likely that your sleep levels will be pretty substandard – and that’s a real problem.

Sleep is essential for good cognition, clarity of mind, good mood, physical health, and energy levels.

Stress inherently interrupts sleep, and robs us of a lot of the deep sleep that has such a rejuvenating effect. By finding ways to reduce stress on a day-to-day basis, you may experience much better sleep, and more energy and drive as a result.

It Brings Awareness Back to the Present Moment

It’s difficult to be properly attentive to the present moment in a relaxed and mindful way if you have a lot on your mind and if your thoughts are constantly wandering.

Unfortunately, productivity relies a lot on being able to accurately assess our environment, to notice what we need to deal with and how the different pieces of the puzzle fit together, and then actually resolving things in the most direct manner possible.

Relaxing more can improve our awareness of the present moment, in a way that can be very quite helpful.

Final Thoughts

It may seem odd that the benefits of slowing down include increased productivity, but it couldn’t be more true. Try meditation, yoga, or energy healing to calm your body, mind, and spirit.

* The information provided here is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Please read my full disclaimer notice here. This content may contain affiliate links. Please read my full disclosure here.

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