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Why the World Needs You to Find Your Happiness

Why the World Needs You to Find Your Happiness

INSIDE: So many of us put our happiness on the back burner as we put our families first, but there are so many reasons why the world needs you to find your happiness. You’ll learn 10 reasons in this article plus 7 ways to bring more happiness into your life.

There are some small countries out there that do the coolest things.

For example, King Jigme Singye Wangchuck of the last Buddhist kingdom in the Himalayas, Bhutan, did something no other country’s leader I’ve ever heard of has done before…

In 1972, he decided that the best way to boost economic development in the country was not to be concerned with GDP (Gross Domestic Profit), but instead GNH – Gross National Happiness.

Why did he do this?

Because he recognized that GDP doesn’t take into account what every person really strives for in their lives – happiness. So every bill must pass a “GNH stress test” before moving to the Cabinet.

That’s just cool!

We can take a lot from that and use it in our own lives. For example, consider having your own screening process that ensures all of your decisions are based on your happiness and the happiness of those who would be affected by the choice.

But what King Jigme Singye Wangchuck seemed to grasp is the topic of this article: the world needs YOU to be happy. Yes, finding your own happiness is that important. Here are 10 reasons why this is true…

10 Reasons Why The World Needs You To Find Your Happiness

Happiness is Contagious

Have you ever noticed that when you are around a happy person, you start to feel happier as well? We need more of that type of “virus” in our lives. Let’s let happiness go viral instead of all the complaining and negativity that normally spreads.

Happiness Can Create Peace on Earth

Honestly, the best thing you can do for the world is to be happy, because happy people spread happiness throughout the world. If everyone put as much time into focusing on making themselves happy as they do complaining about what isn’t right in their lives, we could easily create peace on earth. After all, what is there to fight over if we are all happy?

Happy People Are Fun To Be Around

We all want to be around people that are happy much more than we want to be around people who are miserable. Obviously! It sucks being around people who are miserable. They bring down the energy of others because misery is contagious, just like happiness is contagious. The world needs more happy people in it so that we have more people we want to be around.

Happiness Moves Mountains

When we are happy, we feel so much more inspiration and passion about life. When something great is accomplished that affects the world, such as an invention like the light bulb or the computer or the creation of an amazing movie, it always happens from people who love doing what they do. They are so happy doing what they do that their passion drives them to accomplish incredible feats.

Happy People Tend To Be More Charitable & Cooperative

The world would certainly be a better place if more people were happy because when we feel happy, we are more likely to be generous and help others in need. Plus, we feel more cooperative so we work better with others and are more understanding when it comes to working through issues in relationships.

Happiness Melts Stress Away

When we are happy, our stress levels are typically pretty low. Stress leads to so many chronic diseases and health conditions, so keeping it at a minimum is extremely important.

Happy People Are Healthier

When we are happy, we have a greater level of health and wellness, and we live longer because the body and the mind are unquestionably linked. Real happiness can make most prescriptions and treatments unnecessary. If only the doctor could prescribe happiness!

When You Are Happy, You Manifest Good Things

We manifest more of what we are already putting out, so if you are waiting to be happy, you’ll always be waiting. The key to manifesting what you want is to feel what you want to feel now. That’s easier said than done, though, but it’s one of the things I’ll help you with in this article.

Happy People Are Better At Their Jobs

It’s been scientifically proven that people who are happier show more flexibility, ingenuity, and creativity in their thinking, and they are more productive. It’s also been shown that happy people are better leaders and negotiators and that they earn more money than unhappy people. Just imagine how much more we could get done and how many better solutions companies would come up with if they had more employees like that.

Happy People Are More Resilient

People who are happy show more resilience in the face of hardship. The more resilient we are as a community, a nation, a planet, the better we will live, and the more we will evolve and grow as a human race.

How to Find Your Happiness

Hopefully, after reading those 10 reasons the world needs you to be happy, you are beginning to understand that it’s not selfish to seek your own happiness but instead is of the utmost importance.

So how can you find your happiness?

There are tons of ways to find happiness and it’s imperative that you find the methods and strategies that will work best for you. Here are 7 ways to get you started and I’ll continue providing more articles with additional solutions as well, so you don’t miss any of my new posts and freebies!

Stop Judging

How often do you judge people in your daily life? My guess is that if you really look closely, you would have to say “a lot.” Some of us don’t even realize how often we judge others or even ourselves. Almost every moment is consumed with it. We are so convinced that we are separate from everyone else and because of it, we adopt judgment as a means to make ourselves right. When someone does something differently from us, we tend to judge it as wrong because

We are so convinced that we are separate from everyone else and because of it, we adopt judgment as a means to make ourselves right. When someone does something differently from us, we tend to judge it as wrong because otherwise, we think it makes us wrong. None of that is true, however. We are not separate. We are all one. We are not wrong if someone else is right. There are many ways to accomplish one thing, and who is to say that your way is more right than someone else’s.

We should not be acting as though we are separate beings but should instead work together, celebrate our differences, and enjoy the benefits that come along with that. We are not wrong if someone else is right. There are many ways to accomplish one thing, and who is to say that your way is more right than someone else’s.

When you judge, you stifle growth. We are not here to be perfect. We are here to grow into the best version of ourselves that we can. Why do we judge others and ourselves when we are not coming across as “perfect?” That only holds that person or yourself back from growing and being all that they can be.

The simplest judgment can have lasting effects on people, and it detracts from their happiness. When you find yourself judging others, tell yourself to be a bigger person and leave that person be. When you begin to judge others less, you will find that you begin to no longer fear that others will judge you. And that sets you free!

Create Habits That Support Happiness

We’ve all been told a thousand times how important it is to set goals. If you are one of the minorities of people who actually have written goals for your life, I want to commend you. But I also want to ask you, what are you doing today to get you closer to achieving your goals?

Every behavior pattern that we have is habitual, meaning we are in the habit of behaving that way. The way we go about achieving our goals is habitual as well. For example, are you in the habit of writing down your goals but then just being too busy to do anything about them? I agree, life is demanding and pretty darn crazy at times, but if you aren’t working toward your goals, you will never change your current patterns.

Start today by creating a new habit that will get you closer to your goals every day. All it takes is to make a commitment to yourself that you will do one thing every day to take a step toward the goal line. It can be the tiniest of things. Maybe one day, it is just calling a store to see if they sell an item that will help you reach that goal. Or maybe it could be as simple as organizing all the paperwork you have gathered relating to that goal into a binder. Whatever it is, just do something every day, and focus on one goal at a time.

By doing this daily practice, it becomes a habit for you to take steps every day toward achieving your dreams, and that leads to happiness. With that kind of momentum, just think where you’ll be a month from now, 6 months from now, a year from now!

Detox Your Thoughts

Our bodies build up with toxins every day, creating a multitude of unwanted symptoms and ailments. Causes are numerous including pollutants, chemicals in the air we breathe and in products we use, and pesticides on the food we eat. There is another huge contributor, however, that many people overlook, and that is our thoughts.

Our thoughts can be toxic to our bodies! When you think negative thoughts, your body responds by giving you negative feelings. And when you feel bad, you bring about unwanted ailments. One of the best detoxes you can do for yourself is to get rid of your toxic thoughts!

Stress is another thing that the body recognizes as a toxin. You’ve surely heard about, or experienced for yourself, the strange things that happen in the body as a response to stress overload. It can be managed, however, by controlling your thoughts. This is because your thoughts have a lot to do with how much stress you will experience.

Two people can have the same amount of demands on them and have the same situation occurring in their lives, but their stress levels can be completely different. Why is this? It is because stress is nothing more than a response to how you are dealing with what is happening in your life. If you manage your thoughts and your responses, you will feel less stress and your body will be exposed to less toxic thoughts.

Begin your thought detox today! Catch yourself when you hear thoughts that are negative and remember that you have the choice to have better thoughts. You are only hurting yourself and your happiness by having toxic thoughts.

Be Responsible For The Energy You Put Out

Have you ever noticed that when you are in a bad mood, somehow things get worse? Your husband comes home and suddenly he’s in a bad mood as well. Your kids start acting out and not cooperating. The tasks you take on don’t go as you had hoped, and everything just feels miserable.

I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news, but when that happens, it is probably because you brought it on yourself, but that’s good news because it means you can bring on a positive experience as well.

Energy is all around us and the energy that you put out changes the energy of your household (or any location you are in). Your mood will spread out to others and your surroundings in the form of energy.

Sometimes we dwell in our sorrow or our frustration, but in the end, we are only hurting ourselves and everyone around us more.

Consider yourself a catalyst for everything that happens in your house. Take a situation that you would normally handle one way and try to handle it differently. When you practice this, you will notice that you create a different result. For example, if you normally lash out at your children when they don’t listen, try handling the situation calmly. Then just take notice of the differences. Be a catalyst for positive energy in your home, and breathe it in feeling it’s peace and serenity. That will surely affect your happiness.

Learn How to Change Your Mood Quickly

We all have days when we just feel not quite right. Maybe we just don’t feel like dealing with the day ahead or we fear it is going to be a bad day. Maybe we are sick of doing the work we have to do. Or maybe we just woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Whatever it is, you can choose to let it take over your body and ruin your day. Or you can choose to take an action step to create change. The smallest of steps can lead you out of the doldrums and onto a path toward joy. It really doesn’t take much.

Let’s look at the following example. Perhaps you have your own business and you work out of the home. You wake up and just don’t feel like doing what you have to do. Normally when you feel this way, you would find yourself procrastinating and doing the things you want to do first, while you push off the stuff you don’t want to deal with. If you would instead take one small action to break the way you feel, you would find yourself getting into the swing of things easily. You could take 2 minutes and break down what you have to do into steps, and then take the smallest step and just push yourself to do that step right away. Once you accomplish that, you will most likely find that you are inspired to move on to a slightly larger step, and then a larger step, and so on.

If you would instead take one small action to break the way you feel, you would find yourself getting into the swing of things easily. You could take 2 minutes and break down what you have to do into steps, and then take the smallest step and just push yourself to do that step right away. Once you accomplish that, you will most likely find that you are inspired to move on to a slightly larger step, and then a larger step, and so on.

Have you ever noticed that there are times when you feel so incredibly hungry that you feel like you could happily eat a horse? But, it’s not time to eat yet, so you grab a little snack, and then you realize you aren’t hungry after that – all you needed was a couple bites to break the feeling of hunger. Have you ever noticed that there are times when you feel so incredibly tired that you can hardly keep your eyes open? But, it’s not

Have you ever noticed that there are times when you feel so incredibly tired that you can hardly keep your eyes open? But, it’s not time to go to bed, so you push through and you find a second wind – all you needed was an action step in the opposite direction of giving into being tired to stop yourself from feeling that way.

These are two examples of how you subconsciously use this technique in other areas of your life. You really can change the way you feel almost instantly just by making one small action step in the right direction.

Be More Loving

Love isn’t just about whether or not we are in a relationship. It’s not about what present we get on Valentine’s Day. What is love really?

Love is… happiness!

If you were to study people who have found true happiness in their lives, one thing you would notice is their ability to give love. These people have found the key to happiness, which is simply… love.

Love can turn a scared child into a happy child. Love can take down anger. Love can heal wounds. Love can overcome fear. Love can shine a light on darkness.

Love is light. Love is the absence of fear. Love sparks compassion. Love creates joy. Love is… happiness.

If I could choose only one thing to have in this lifetime, I would choose love, because love can overcome anything. John Lennon was right when he said, “All you need is love.”

If we all shared more love, we would be a truly happy society. We wouldn’t feel the need to compete with one another and step on others’ toes. Instead, we would look to how we can help one another and how we can work together for the greater good.

When you are loved, does anything else really matter? Love will always find a way to get through the toughest of times. So, give as much love as you can. Don’t save it for just your significant other if you have one. Give love freely and openly.

The more you give love, the more you will receive love. Giving love is happiness and receiving love is happiness. Give it. Receive it. Love it. Be happy!

Remind Yourself To Stop Being Uptight

“Are you being too uptight?” I have to ask this question of myself sometimes in order to loosen myself up. What happens is that life can beat us up and it can stress us out. Then, it creates a cycle of being stressed which leads to feeling like you need to be uptight in order to survive, which only leads to more stress, and so it goes around and around.

I get stuck in that cycle from time to time even though I fully believe in and want flow in my life. Flow is beautiful. It is a peaceful feeling that allows you to simply trust and know everything will work out as it should. And when you have that attitude, it does work out beautifully!

But when you fight against what is happening in your life instead of flowing with it, you create stress and you end up feeling uptight.

When I say “uptight,” I am referring to that part of you that says, “It absolutely has to be this way or my world is going to crash down around me.”

We can be uptight about big things, such as the belief that our kids have to go to college or that we have to find our true love by age 30 so we can settle down and have kids by 32.

We can also be uptight about the smallest things, such as making sure none of the kids get a spec of dirt on the carpet or stressing ourselves out over being two minutes late for a meeting.

When you are uptight, not only does it stress you out personally, but you also give off an energy that stresses other people out around you. It’s like every little thing matters sooooo much and if it doesn’t go just right, you will freak out. It takes over and keeps you from having fun and happiness in your life.

The thing to remember is that when we are feeling uptight, we will only create more to be uptight about. When you relax and say to yourself, “In the scheme of things, this really doesn’t matter,” you will reset your energy. The more you can be in a state of flow, the smoother things will go for you.

Go Find Your Happiness

I hope you’ll take some of these suggestions and use them to create more happiness in your life. Make finding your happiness a priority in your life without being obsessive about it, and you’re sure to enjoy more joy on a day-to-day basis.

* The information provided here is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Please read my full disclaimer notice here. This content may contain affiliate links. Please read my full disclosure here.

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