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5 Ways to Overcome Uncertainty of the Future

5 Ways to Overcome Uncertainty of the Future

INSIDE: Uncertainty of the future is normal, but it can also be paralyzing. Let’s look at 5 ways you can overcome it, while calling in the future that is right for you.

Uncertainty of the future is one of the only guarantees of the human experience. After all, life is in constant flux, always changing and evolving.

But when we feel uncertain about our future, it can be lead to feelings of fear and doubt, which can be paralyzing. When we tap into our innate intuition, we can release some of that fear as we feel guided in our journey here on Earth.

But even the best psychics in the world can’t predict life to the tiniest detail. There are ways we can feel more confident about our future, though, which can determine how we face it.

How to Overcome Uncertainty of the Future

Here are a few ways to overcome feeling uncertain about the future…

Notice When You’re Catastrophizing

If you are a worrier, then there’s a change you have gotten in the habit of catastrophizing, also known as worst-case scenario thinking.

We all have problems that we’re trying to deal with, but catastrophizing blows those problems out of proportion. It involves thinking that problem A will lead to consequence B, which will lead to outcome C, which leads to disaster D.

Experts say we can learn to cut these detrimental thought patterns off by playing out both the worst-case and best-case scenarios in our head, as well as one that’s a little more middle of the road. Then consider the real probability, in numbers, of how likely they are to happen.

But that technique can be difficult, and what I have found is that this type of worst-case scenario thinking stems from limiting thought patterns that are the result of emotional trauma.

And the best way to free yourself from those patterns is through bioenergetics. It’s a simple, quick-acting wellness solution that finds and releases the root cause without you even having to know where those thought are coming from.

That way uncertainty of the future won’t keep you trapped anymore.

Pay Attention to Planetary Shifts

Of course, one of the major practices of astrology has been to help people see how their lives can correspond to the movements of the universe around us and to find potential meanings in the movements of the stars and planets.

When you observe these things enough, the patterns start to make themselves clear. This doesn’t mean that you can predict the future to a tee, of course, but it can help you get yourself emotionally ready for the changes that might be about to come. And it can keep you open to possibilities you might not even know are there.

You might be surprised how getting an astrology reading or practicing something simple like manifesting with the moon can help you overcome uncertainty of the future.

Learn to Manifest the Future You Desire

Your mindset has a huge impact on your future. The law of attraction says that we attract what we think about. So are you complaining about what is going wrong in your life or are you daydreaming about how you want your life to be?

Each of those scenarios will have you attracting very different results.

Manifesting is about being ready to accept the opportunities and the positive changes that are ready to come into your life. Whether you decide learn from a manifestation coach, work with a spiritual coach like me, or read books on manifestation, you can start calling in the future you desire.

You’re always manifesting something, but conscious manifestation will help you bring in optimism about your future and feel ready to grasp opportunities when they come along, rather than passively watching them drift by.

Visualize Your Future

A big part of overcoming uncertainty of the future and manifesting what you want is visualizing the future you want. And the key is to see it in vivid detail.

Think about where you’re going to be two years, five years, and ten years from now. What are your goals for the future? Use all of your senses as you visualize what you want.

Not only will this practice make you feel good about what might happen, it can also help you to understand what you really want. From there, you can start taking practical steps that that will lead you to that outcome. Without taking action, we are just floundering.

Remove Toxic Influences

Sometimes, it’s our own mind that can be our worst enemy, which is the case with worst-case thinking. But other times, negative energy can come from outside of ourselves, and of course, the only way to control that is to remove it from your life or transmute it.

Take stock of yourself and your social circle. Ask yourself if there are any emotional vampires that might be sucking your enthusiasm and bringing you more uncertainty of the future.

This doesn’t mean that you can only be friends with people who are optimistic about the future, but you should be wary of those whose cynicism and lack of hope can start to drag you down. Sometimes, you need to cut yourself off from such people or at least spend less time with them.

At the same time, you can learn techniques for raising your own vibration so that you’ll be able to transmute the low energies that come your way.

Final Thoughts

As mentioned, we should always expect at least a little uncertainty of the future – it’s part of being human. And it doesn’t even need to be a bad thing. However, the tips above can help you feel more confident about the future, regardless of whether you know what’s coming around the bend or not.

* The information provided here is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Please read my full disclaimer notice here. This content may contain affiliate links. Please read my full disclosure here.

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