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Mind-Body-Spirit Simplified Blog

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How to Overcome Low Self-Worth

How to Overcome Low Self-Worth

INSIDE: Low self-worth is more common than most people think. Understanding it and having some simple strategies to change it can make all the difference.

Self-worth is how a person feels about themselves, their abilities, and their accomplishments. Most people are their own worst critic, as it is human nature to criticize ourselves.

There are more than enough mental health statistics out there, and self-worth has always been a big contributor to low mental health. By understanding self-worth, how it impacts us and how to improve it, we can enjoy a much greater sense of well-being.

This mini-guide will offer some insights.

How to Identify the Root Causes of Low Self-Worth

Low self-worth is a common issue that can be caused by many different things. It could be a result of your upbringing, past experiences, and even your current life situation.

There are many factors that can lead to low self-worth, but the most common root causes tend to be a lack of trust in ourselves and others, negative thoughts, and an inability to identify what we want out of life.

The key to identifying these root causes is doing some self-discovery and looking at the symptoms. What do you notice about yourself? What triggers you to feel a lack of confidence? Can you trace it back to a past experience?

Seeing a mental health professional can help you get to the root of what is causing your low self-worth so that you can improve it.

How Low Self-Worth Can Impact Your Life

While this is a touchy subject that so many people feel uncomfortable talking about, it’s vital to realize how self-worth issues can impact your life. You’ve probably heard many times that it’s important to stop negative self-talk, but it can be fairly difficult to do.

With that said, here are some ways it can impact your life...

  • Not feeling like you’re good enough or capable enough can cause you to put too much pressure on yourself and avoid opportunities for growth.
  • Feeling like your work is not important or meaningful can cause a lack of motivation and engagement.
  • Feeling like your life isn’t worth living can lead to depression, anxiety, and other health issues.
  • Low self-worth also makes us withdrawn in general, not just from people, but from activities as well.

How To Improve Your Self-Worth

There are many ways to improve our self-worth, and it all just involves making small steps each day. Self-worth issues stem from limiting beliefs, so you’ll want to dig deep, do some soul searching, and empower yourself to overcome them.

One way to begin it so notice and appreciate our own strengths. For example, if we are good at something, we should be proud of it and share it with others.

Another way to improve low self-worth is by being kinder to ourselves and others. Everyone should show appreciation for others’ strengths, be more compassionate and mindful of what others are going through, and speak up when necessary in order to make a difference in the world.

But the easiest way is to scan your body field, discover what is blocked, and give yourself the correct information to run on instead of the distorted beliefs you’ve been programmed with. Contact me today to get started with a BioEnergetix WellNES scan!

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, you’ll need to challenge yourself if you want to overcome low self-worth. Let yourself be open to hearing positive words and thoughts. Start one day at a time.

* The information provided here is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Please read my full disclaimer notice here. This content may contain affiliate links. Please read my full disclosure here.

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