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Manifestation and Meditation: How to Use This Power Duo to Get What You Want

Manifestation and Meditation: How to Use This Power Duo to Get What You Want

INSIDE: If manifesting what you want hasn’t been going your way, it’s time to introduce the power duo: manifestation and meditation. This pair works hand-in-hand to make your dreams come true. Let’s learn how!

Would you love to be able to create the life you want, just by thinking about it?

You may have heard of the Law of Attraction, but have you tried manifesting things yourself?

Manifesting is when you create the life you want, and Law of Attraction is just one way to manifest what you desire.

But here’s where people go wrong…

Most people think the Law of Attraction is the belief that you can create what you want for your life by just thinking about it.

For example, if I was trying to manifest a new car, all I would have to do is think about how wonderful and amazing my new car would be.

And okay, that’s part of it. But it’s only going to get you so far.

Why Visualization is the Key to Manifestation

One of the essential keys to manifestation is visualization.

To manifest that car, you need to spend time visualizing what it would feel like when you’re driving down the highway with the top down. See it, feel the wind blowing through your hair, hear the music you’re singing along to, and feel the smile on your face.

The reason this is so important is because everything is energy; therefore, when we visualize something, we are putting energy toward it, which starts the process of it crystalizing into reality.

Thoughts really do form into physical reality. This may seem like a new-age idea, but it’s been practiced for centuries by people from all over the world as an integral part of their spirituality.

And honestly, it’s really not an option. You will manifest what you think about the most.

How Manifestation and Meditation Go Hand-in-Hand

There are many ways to manifest what you want in life. One of the most powerful is through meditation. In fact, manifestation and meditation are like peanut butter and jelly; they go together really well.

How do these two things work together?

Mediation helps you focus on what you want. It clears your mind of all other thoughts so it can be filled with the image of what you wish to manifest. This process is faster when mediation is combined with manifestation, as the two processes feed off of each other, building momentum in your manifesting abilities.

How to Manifest With Meditation

It’s easier to get started with manifesting than you may think, and you don’t have to follow any particular strategy. But, if you’re looking for some simple steps to get you started, these will help you…

  1. Choose your favorite type of meditation. It might be a meditative form of yoga, a walk through nature, painting, or there’s the traditional type of meditation where you sit quietly with your eyes closed and go within.
  2. Visualize what you want and hold that image in your mind. Feel yourself in the scenario.
  3. Repeat an affirmation, which should include the phrase “I am” or “This now.” Follow this by declaring confidently everything it is that you’re seeking.

A well-known example of an affirmation like this is “I am healthy and whole.” When this affirmation is spoken with intentionality, it can help create greater health in your life, especially if you are visualizing the healthy version of yourself at the same time.

How Soon Will I Manifest What I Want?

A common question that comes up when discussing the topics of manifestation and mediation is “How long will it take to see results from my manifesting and meditation practice?”

The short answer is…

Most people see results within a few months. Some have seen changes in their life much sooner.

But it’s going to be different for everyone. It’s best to put it out there to the Universe and then to let it go. You might want to say “And so it is” at the end of your meditation to remind yourself to release attachments.

Manifestation is another one of life’s paradoxes. You have to want it and see yourself having it, but you can’t hold an attachment to it. This is because the need to have it will create a mentality of lack, which only serves to push it away.

So, release it and know that when the time is right, it will come to you. And also realize that it might not come to you the way you think, and it might look different in the end. It’s amazing how the Universe really does know what is best for us, and the version of what you want that comes to you will be perfect for you.

Manifestation and Meditation Creates an Infinite Loop of Happiness

The best thing about manifesting through meditation is that it will lead to a more fulfilling life. You’ll find yourself being able to be happy with what you have and satisfied by new things coming into your life, rather than always wanting them.

You may be calling in a happier, healthier life through your manifesting, but you could also be creating it for yourself through your meditating.

Having a calmer, happier outlook on life will help you manifest and attract the other things you want in life. When you are happy, it’s easier to manifest what you desire.

Ideas for When to Practice Your Manifestation Meditation

You don’t need to spend hours doing this. You just need to spend a few minutes throughout the day on meditation and manifestation.

I find that the best time to do it is while I’m trying to get to sleep at night. It’s a great use of that time because it actually helps me to fall asleep as well.

You can do this in your home, as a way to start or end your day, or you can incorporate your meditation and manifesting into your exercise. Going for a walk can be a form of meditation. Focus on the things you want to bring into your life. You’ll be doing something good for your body and mind with a walking meditation.

Start by finding a place that is quiet and peaceful where you can walk for about 20 minutes without being disturbed or distracted. Bring with you your intention of what you will be manifesting and focus on it during the exercise portion of the practice. You should also have an affirmation to repeat to yourself during the experience.

Final Thoughts

If you need a little more help to manifest your dreams and desires, consider adding meditation into the mix. It is one of the easiest ways to train your brain for manifestation with long-term benefits that go beyond just feeling better about where you’re at now.

You can start by meditating for 5 minutes each day or try out some guided meditations from an app like Calm or Headspace if it’s easier. Remember though: wishing upon a star may not be enough; you’ll also want to put in some work too!

* The information provided here is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Please read my full disclaimer notice here. This content may contain affiliate links. Please read my full disclosure here.

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