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Mind-Body-Spirit Simplified Blog

Customize your health and spirituality journey so you can feel rejuvenated in body, mind, and spirit.

How To Plan A Workout Routine Properly

How To Plan A Workout Routine Properly

INSIDE: Are you wondering how to plan a workout routine so that it is effective and efficient? These tips will help you do just that!

Whenever we set goals in life, it’s very important to know the details of what we hope to achieve vs. what we can actually accomplish. For instance, it’s a great idea to think “this year, I’m going to get fit and healthy,” but if you don’t plan beyond that outside of attending the gym and eating well, you’re probably not going to get very far.

We need to make sure we know every single step we’re going to take so that we can integrate those steps into our schedule and track our progress.

This is true no matter what goal we set in life. For instance, even when we take a shower in the morning, we tend to know exactly what products we’ll use, in what order we’ll do that, and how we’ll take care of our skin using lotions afterwards.

So, why keep larger goals so vague? When it comes to how to plan a workout routine, we should know exactly what movements and exercises we hope to pursue in each session.

How to Plan a Workout Routine Properly

When you want to stay fit and healthy, it’s best to seek out some tips to make it easier, especially when it comes to knowing how to plan a workout routine the right way. Here are some great tips you can use right away…

Plan For Realistic Attendance

Newcomers to a fitness regime tend to find themselves getting very motivated and fueled by the positive decision to make a change in their lives. However, if you attend the gym for five days a week to begin with, you’re going to burn out.

Plan for realistic attendance, such as two to three days a week, and keep your workouts simple until you gain strength, endurance, and competence. That way, you can ease into the discipline slowly, building in an incremental fashion.

Change Up Your Supplementary Exercises

Doing the same thing each and every time we exercise might help us stick to an exercise plan, but it isn’t very effective. Instead, you want to train different muscle groups by adding different supplementary exercises and exercise in different disciplines.

So perhaps today you can run on the treadmill, the next session you may cycle, after that, you may run and then do some cardiovascular training with a barbell. This can help switch things up properly, and with a gym like Hoist Fitness to help you, planning this capably will be even more possible and reliable.

Learn Form First & Foremost

It doesn’t really matter how long you can run for, or how much weight you can lift, or how well you can stretch in a yoga position. Statistics and goals can be improved or pursued as time goes on.

What matters is committing to these movements properly. Learning to bench press in a safe manner, with perfect form, and in a way that prevents bad habits from forming will aid you much more than if you lift a heavier weight with poor, sloppy form.

Focus on form first and foremost, spend time getting it down, and from there, your workout regimen will progress more rapidly than you could have imagined.

* The information provided here is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Please read my full disclaimer notice here. This content may contain affiliate links. Please read my full disclosure here.

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