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How Healing Works: 7 Tips to Succeed on Your Wellness Journey

How Healing Works: 7 Tips to Succeed on Your Wellness Journey

INSIDE: To know how healing works, there are a few key points you’ll need to understand. And when you do, the path to your wellness journey becomes clear. Here they are! 

After enduring a health-related issue, all we want to do is get relief. It’s common to try many things, and when they don’t work, we move onto another. Maybe you’ve tried so many that you’ve lost all hope.

But sometimes, all it takes is a change in perspective.

There are some aspects of healing that are critical to understand if you’re going to be able to achieve it. Let’s get right to the point and dig into them now!

Use These 7 Tips to Understand How Healing Works

To succeed in overcoming a chronic health condition and getting to a place where you can enjoy vitality and abounding wellness, you’ll need to understand how healing works and take the following tips into account…

Understand Recovery is Non-Linear

Achieving a health goal isn’t a straight path. Instead, it tends to look like this…

The is how healing works. It’s a path that goes up and down, but in the end, if you stick with your program, you’ll continue to rise.

In general, people tend to overestimate what we can achieve in a month, and underestimate what can be achieved in 6 months.

Here’s what I recommend:

  • Track your health symptoms for 6 months and play the long game. Don’t focus on weekly progress or even monthly progress.
  • Note your symptoms when we start working together, and jot down how you feel each month without letting yourself give up if the progress isn’t what you hoped for. Without tracking your progress, you’re likely to forget certain symptoms and therefore not realize how much progress you’re making.
  • Understand that dips and challenges happen on the way to abundant health. But when you stick to the program, they will happen less frequently and for shorter periods of time.

Understand How Healing Works

Healing starts from within out, from the head down, and in reverse order as the symptoms appeared or have been suppressed. This is known as Hering’s Law of Cure.

For example, if you are healing from chronic fatigue and you haven’t had a cold in many months or years, you might get a huge cold as you are recovering from chronic fatigue. This is a sign of immune strength, not weakness.

Another example is that as we heal, an old illness that had disappeared in the early stages might reappear.

Understand the Emotional Aspects of Healing

Often, when we begin to heal, our nervous system starts to calm down. To us, it can seem like we feel more tired or even depressed. What is actually happening is we are misinterpreting the peace that comes from not being overstimulated.

This is how healing works: as you rebalance your nervous system, you will find that you are less in your head, which can make you feel more your emotions more deeply.

This is a sign of healing. It means that you are starting to heal, and a newfound sense of vitality and joy will start to emerge. The best part is that this is real energy, not adrenalized overstimulation.

Understand the “Scales Effect” of Recovery

Often, we take many approaches to improve our health, which can equate to taking weights off one side of a scale. But oftentimes, those scales won’t lead to a shift in your health until the last weight is removed.

Sometimes, it can take months for a shift to be felt. And unfortunately, most people give up too soon.

They assume that something isn’t working, so they go backwards and start putting weights back on the scale. Then, when the last one is removed, they don’t notice because the other weights were put back on.

But now you know how healing works, so don’t give up before the miracle happens!

Understand the Body Knows How to Heal Itself

Instead of asking what is causing your ailment, ask what is blocking your healing.

When the right conditions are in place, healing becomes possible. You may never pinpoint the actual cause of a health condition, but it doesn’t matter!

Think about a broken bone. It doesn’t matter what caused it. All the doctor does is set up the right conditions for healing. They set the bone straight, put it in the right position, and then the body heals itself.

That’s exactly what you’ll do as you take a holistic wellness approach to your health. You don’t need to understand how healing works; you just need to give your body the conditions it needs and expect healing to occur.

Take a Multifaceted Approach

There is no one-shot cure. We need an integrated, multifaceted approach. That’s how healing works.

Think about a rose. It needs carbon dioxide, water, minerals, sunlight, and even love. What if that rose decided it wanted to just try water for 6 months and if it doesn’t grow, it stops that and tries sunlight for 6 months?

That’s clearly not going to work, and a similar approach won’t work for us either. The idea is to remove all the weights from the scales together so that the scale can move.

Make a Commitment

The people who have completely recovered from severe illnesses got better because they were determined. Instead of giving up at the first sign of difficulty, they stayed committed.

Your health condition is never your fault, but it is your responsibility. If you don’t commit to your health, who will?

It’s impossible to know how healing works if you expect others to do it for you.

Health practitioners are guides; you are the healer. When you give your body what it needs, it will heal itself.

Are you ready to feel amazing? Then, don’t give up on yourself!

Final Thoughts

Bookmark this article and refer to often or print it out and keep it handy. Why? Because it’s human nature to forget these things and when we forget them, we jeopardize our wellness success. You can do this as long as you don’t give up!

* The information provided here is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Please read my full disclaimer notice here. This content may contain affiliate links. Please read my full disclosure here.

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