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Mind-Body-Spirit Simplified Blog

Customize your health and spirituality journey so you can feel rejuvenated in body, mind, and spirit.

A Different Way to Look at Life And Happiness

A Different Way to Look at Life And Happiness

INSIDE: Everyone struggles in life. We all just do it in different ways. But what if we could look at life and happiness differently? Maybe a new perspective is all we need.

There are so many times when I wonder why there is so much suffering in life. Why do we have to have financial struggles? Why does a young mother have to die? Why do certain children have to suffer from cancer or be an orphans, etc. etc. etc.

It wasn’t until I stumbled across this quote that I began to look at life very differently.

“Life is not hard when you accept that it is multidimensional – that it includes autism and Alzheimer’s, flunking tests and subway accidents. Look to us for understanding and let us help you with the changes you can make to grow and heal yourself and others. When you see life as this rather than as a guarantee of entitlement, you will have a different and more joyful experience. Embrace it all. We are here with you always.”

~ Channeled by Debra Landwehr Engle in Let Your Spirit Guides Speak

It’s the entitlement part that really hit home with me. We are amazed at how entitled kids are these days, acting like all of their privileges are their rights. But, what I never stopped to consider is that we do the same thing with life and happiness in general.

We feel like we are entitled to happiness, wealth, love, and success, and we whine like babies when we don’t have those things. I have spent my whole life in a pursuit of happiness, so I’m speaking from experience.

A Vacation From the Cosmos

But this is an Earth experience that our souls have decided to embark on. It’s a “vacation from the cosmos” as Debra Landwehr Engle puts it.

Like a hiker who decides to trek up Mount Kilimanjaro, we have decided to trek through life on this earth. And with that comes some difficult feats. Hiking up that mountain would never be considered easy, but people choose to do it everyday.

With life on Earth comes some hardship. There will be rocks in our way and cliffs that seem too high to climb. There will be setbacks, sickness, and injuries. It’s getting through those things that makes the climb worthwhile.

And that is how we need to look at life. What if we could stop hating the struggle and stop being frustrated by every little thing that happens? What if we looked at life like one big experience? If we could view the “bad” that happens as part of life, just like difficulties are a part of climbing a mountain, we would take it in stride and we would enjoy the journey a lot more.

Your Challenge

I challenge you to think about life and happiness differently; to live today as if you are an eternal, infinite being of light taking a vacation from the cosmos (because you are). How would you live today differently from that perspective?

REMEMBER: As the quote at the top of this blog implies, we are not alone. Ask your angels and guides to help you with this!

* The information provided here is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Please read my full disclaimer notice here. This content may contain affiliate links. Please read my full disclosure here.

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